May 21, 2019

From Digital Sky to Decision Making with Sharad Sharma

With time everything changes and the questions of how to manage this change at the intersection of technology, society, and business is something Sharad Sharma, co-founder of iSpirt has spent a lifetime answering.

We explore this theme with drones, Digital Sky, and more in a series of episodes from #TheHangar with Mrinal Pai as the listener in chief. Follow us and spread the message for more in-depth segments that will follow!

Sharad Sharma on Drones and the 3rd Innings of India's Growth Story

Sharad Sharma on How the Drone Ecosystem Can Learn From UPI

Sharad Sharma on what drone entrepreneurs need to succeed to India

Sharad Sharma on what the future holds for Digital Sky

Sharad Sharma on How Emotion in Business Can Drive Progress

Sharad Sharma on His Personal Journey

Mrinal Pai